A Mutable Log

A blog by Devendra Tewari

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Getting started with Apache Cordova

Apache Cordova, or PhoneGap, is a cross-platform HTML5 app development framework. It allows creation of offline HTML5 and hybrid applications. This post recounts my brief experience getting started with Apache Cordova. It is relevant for Android and iOS, and assumes you are developing on a Mac.

Install Node

Grab the Node installer for Mac and install it. You’ll need it for installing Cordova. The cordova command line utility is based on Node.

Install Cordova

After Node has been installed, use npm to install Cordova

sudo npm -g install cordova

Use cordova --version to check the version of Cordova. In my case it’s currently


Create HTML5 app

A new Cordova HTML5 app can be created as follows

cordova create myapp com.mycompany.MyApp MyApp

A new folder called myapp is created, and the HTML5 resources are created under myapp/www.

Create platform-specific apps

An iOS app to build and deploy the HTML5 app can be created thus

cordova platform add ios

You’ll require Xcode, download it from the Mac App Store if you don’t have it installed. The command above does not work with the preview release of Xcode 5.0, I had no problem with Xcode 4.6. Cordova will create platform-specific files for iOS under myapp/platforms/ios, including a Xcode project to build and deploy the native application. The project opens and builds with the preview version of Xcode 5.

Cordova also copies the HTML5 app from myapp/www to platforms/ios/www. Remember to add the latter folder to .gitignore if you use Git for version control.

To create an application to deploy on Android

cordova platform add android

You’ll need to have Android SDK in PATH. Since I use Android Studio, here’s how I modified my PATH variable

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Android\ Studio.app/sdk/tools:/Applications/Android\ Studio.app/sdk/platform-tools

The Android project structure under myapp/platforms/android does not work with Android Studio, but builds with ant. Eclipse ADT can be used to migrate the project to Gradle and Android Studio. A Gradle based build setup is under consideration but may not happen soon.

Build and test platform-specific apps

The iOS app can be built and deployed using the Xcode project under myapp/platforms/ios.

To build the android app run ant under myapp/platforms/android

ant debug

Deploy using adb

adb install -r bin/MyApp-debug.apk

Iterate and build

Every time you change the app in myapp/www, you’ll need to run

cordova prepare ios
cordova prepare android

Then, perform the platform-specific build steps described earlier.

The performance on iPhone 4S with iOS 7 is quite acceptable. It not as smooth on a Samsung Galaxy S3 (Android 4.2.2). Lesser Android Smartphones may struggle.