A Mutable Log

A blog by Devendra Tewari

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Run Buildroot in a Docker Container

This post explores how you can run Buildroot in a Docker container. Follow the getting started to install Docker. I prefer using Docker with the PowerShell prompt on Windows 10.


To download and run the ubuntu image in a new container

docker run -it ubuntu bash

From another command prompt, run the following to find container id

docker ps -l

Use the -a option to see all containers

docker ps -a

Type exit to exit bash shell and stop container.

To return to container created earlier

docker start -ai container_id

Update apt package cache so that you can search and install additional packages

sudo apt update

You should now be able to search

sudo apt search wget

And install your favorite tools

sudo apt install wget

Obtain Buildroot

wget https://buildroot.org/downloads/buildroot-2016.11.2.tar.gz

Untar Buildroot

tar xvzf buildroot-2016.11.2.tar.gz

Install dependencies required to run Buildroot

sudo apt install patch cpio python unzip rsync bc bzip2 ncurses-dev git make g++

Go ahead and build your Linux system.