A Mutable Log

A blog by Devendra Tewari

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Run Node.js in a Docker container

In this post, I explore how to run a Node.js web application in a Docker container based on the StrongLoop Process Manager image. I also have a requirement to export and deploy the Docker container to a server that lacks internet access.

Node.js web app in StrongLoop PM Docker container

Create a new Node.js web app using express-example-app as the starting point

git clone https://github.com/strongloop/express-example-app.git

Head into the app folder and install dependencies

npm install

Start application using PM

slc start

Access http://localhost:3001 in a browser to ensure it works.

Shutdown PM

slc ctl shutdown

Create a new Docker container using StrongLoop PM image as the starting point

docker run --detach --restart=no --publish 8701:8701 --publish 3001:3001 --name strong-pm-container strongloop/strong-pm

Deploy example app by running following command in directory of app

slc deploy http://localhost:8701/ master

Access http://localhost:3001 in a browser to ensure it works.

Discover container’s id

docker ps -a

Commit container to a new image

docker commit 653811fd29f3 myimage

Save image to tar file

docker save -o myimage.tar myimage

Load image file in a new Docker instance (on another machine)

docker load -i myimage.tar

Run image in a new container

docker run --detach --restart=no --publish 3001:3001 --name strong-pm-container myimage

Access http://localhost:3001 in a browser to ensure it works.